Saturday, March 27, 2010
6:30 PM - 2:00 AM EDT
New York, NY 10027
Curated by SEN ONE (Brooklyn, NY) in conjunction with Universal Zulu Nation
Opening Reception & Exhibition
Hip Hop Hieroglyphics is the name that we use to describe the art movement widely known as “Graffiti”.
This concept comes from the idea that the artists of today are carrying on the tradition of our ancient relatives. From the caves of the Caribbean to Europe and Africa; humans have expressed themselves in the same way. By leaving their mark, or as these artists say: “GETTIN’ UP”.
With that in mind we want to engage the public and allow them to hear the uncensored reality of the beginnings of this worldwide movement. Hip Hop Hieroglyphics will be a chance to interact with pioneering scribes of Hip Hop Culture.
Event begins at 6:30 pm with a screening of the classic film “STYLE WARS” directed by the late Tony Silver followed by a panel discussion with Author/Photographer/Co-producer Henry Chalfant and Legendary Writers JAMES TOP and LAVA 1and2. This event will explore the early documentation and personal involvement in the formation of the worldwide art movement known as “graffiti”.
After the screening and panel discussion there will be an exhibition featuring artwork of JAMES TOP and LAVA 1and2 with music selection provided by legendary DJ’s –LORD YODA X (ZULU NATION/CRASH CREW), DJ EZ ROCK (ROB BASE & DJ EZ ROCK) and DJ UNCLE CESS (ZULU NATION).
Information about Maysles Institute: Cinema
The Maysles Cinema, a new non-profit theater in Harlem, is dedicated to the exhibition of documentary film and video. The cinema extends the Maysles Brothers’ principle that the lives of ordinary people not only deserve, but demand, our attention. We aim to foster a democratic viewing experience by selecting and presenting movies in collaboration with independent filmmakers, programmers, critics, local film clubs and organizations.
$10 suggested donation at the door.
This event is a fundraiser for The Afrika Bambaataa Multi Cultural Center.
For more information, please call the Maysles Institute: Cinema at 212-582-6050 or visit http://www.mayslesinstitute.org/cinema/calendar.html
For additional information about The Afrika Bambaataa Multi-Culture Center, please contact SEN ONE at peds89@hotmail.com.
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